Upcoming Dates:
Join us for Live Music
Glue! with special guests Bec & Coll
WHEN: Thursday, March 13th
TIME: 7 – 8:30pm
WHERE: The Derry Friendship Center
Free to all

Join us for a Free Concert
Put on by the Interfaith Choir.
WHEN: April 12th
TIME: 4:00pm
WHERE: The Derry Friendship Center
Free to all, a donation basket will be passed around after the concert to support their mission.
Light refreshments will be served as well after the concert.

Join us for Saturday Potluck and Game Night
The Derry Friendship Center is hosting Saturday night potluck and game night on the last Saturday of the month.
WHEN: Last Saturday of the month
TIME: 5:30 – 8:00pm
WHERE: The Derry Friendship Center
Bring a dish – Spend the evening with friends!