
Upcoming Dates:

Join us for Live Music

Glue! with special guests Bec & Coll

WHEN: Thursday, March 13th
TIME: 7 – 8:30pm
WHERE: The Derry Friendship Center

Free to all

Join us at the DFC for a free concert put on by the Interfaith Choir, April 12th @4:00pm

Join us for a Free Concert

Put on by the Interfaith Choir.

WHEN: April 12th
TIME: 4:00pm
WHERE: The Derry Friendship Center

Free to all, a donation basket will be passed around after the concert to support their mission.

Light refreshments will be served as well after the concert.

Join us at the DFC for a free concert put on by the Interfaith Choir, April 12th @4:00pm

Join us for Saturday Potluck and Game Night

The Derry Friendship Center is hosting Saturday night potluck and game night on the last Saturday of the month.

WHEN: Last Saturday of the month
TIME: 5:30 – 8:00pm
WHERE: The Derry Friendship Center

Bring a dish – Spend the evening with friends!